Off the Charts Music Podcast
Welcome to “Off the Charts" the podcast that digs up original local music from yesterday so you can hear it today! Off the Charts" features stories and music from unsigned local bands mainly from 70’s, 80’s, 90's. They never made it onto the charts but they did make music that should be heard! Our purpose is to “dig” this music out (sometimes out of boxes and drawers ) and bring it to life online for new and old listeners to enjoy. Look for a new episode on the 28th of each month.If you are an artist or know of a band or artist that would like to be our special guest, please contact us at offthechartsmusicpodcast@gmail.com Thank you.
Art and Lisa (“Music Archeologists”)
24 episodes
Desire to Inspire - The Musical Force of Kathleen Kruze
Kathleen Kruze creates songs that heal, inspire, and transport us to vivid and colorful worlds. She sings with a voice like a sweet, fierce storm and pours her heart into every note and word...honestly!Click the links below to listen to ...
Season 2
Episode 11

Grateful, Honest, and On Fire - The John Spignesi Band
The John Spignesi band is what happens when a power trio combines talent, creativity, and sincerity in their energetic original music...BAM!Learn more about JSB!https://jsbmusic.net/
Season 2
Episode 10

From Kickflips to Guitar Riffs to Record Deals - Mike Caridi 's Story
Mike Caridi, guitarist of LVL UP and co-founder of Double Double Whammy Records, joins us to discuss his journey in indie music, running a label, and championing DIY artistry.
Season 2
Episode 9

It’s a Family Affair: A Deep Dive into the Music of Nick DeFala
His mother was an opera singer. His father a beloved music teacher. His brothers were and still are accomplished musicians. The next generation features a nephew on guitar. So sit back as we do a deep dive into the music of Nick DeFala.
Season 2
Episode 8

"Sometimes Ya Just Gotta BeJobe"
Art turns the microphone on co-host Lisa and her close friends as they share stories about their band, BeJobe.BeJobe is an original band that somehow managed to make music before it even existed and 30 years after their last show, they stil...
Season 2
Episode 7

Vic Steffens - Your Friendly Neighborhood "Music Oracle"
For almost forty years, Vic Steffens, musician, producer, engineer, and President of Horizon Music Group in West Haven, CT, has transformed his recording studio into a vibrant and welcoming oasis for songwriters and musicians. He is dedic...
Season 2
Episode 6

What A Reaper And "The Living" Have in Common
Young writer/director Ashley Gerckens digs up the perfect song for her short film "143" about a sensitive Reaper tasked with a difficult assignment... it just happens to be a song from a band called "The Living"! Watch "143"...

Listen to Her Heart - The Music of Lorrie Wesoly
At age 9, following her second open heart surgery, her grandparents gifted her a baby grand piano, and through music, she transformed the world around her.Contact Lorrie at lorriewesoly919@gmail.com
Season 2
Episode 4

Heart, Soul, Passion, and Power - The Music of Anthony Gadaleta
When Uncle Tony taught his young nephew Anthony Gadaleta how to play Stairway to Heaven on guitar he had no way of knowing the supernova, genre-bending, force of musical energy he would become!
Season 2
Episode 3

I Really Don't Like You... The Awesome Adventures of Vox Pop
In 1982, two talented college friends, Peter Vouras and Bill Arciprete created "Vox Pop" (magazine, radio and cable TV show). They embarked on an adventure to infiltrate record companies, promote the local music scene, and so much more......
Season 2
Episode 2

Bad Attitude…it wasn’t just a band name, it was a lifestyle.
In the 80’s Bad Attitude rocked the local music scene. Bassist Mark Adanti shares his memories in a heavy metal interview that will guarantee to make you want to start head banging.Links to Bad Attitude videos on YouTube:
Season 2
Episode 1

Citizens of Planet Earth... Prepare Yourselves!
Ronnie Neuhauser propels us into musical freedom land, ARE YOU READY?!His music is eclectic from rock, fusion, funk, free jazz, avant-garde, spoken word, rock opera, progressive rock, and more.P.S. Free Yourself! <...

"I QUIT!" "I'M DONE!" The Amazing Story of Kinetic Sect
Brian Larney thought he could "QUIT" and Ed McPadden thought he was "DONE" but as fate would have it they weren't going anywhere!They added the talent of genius singer/songwriter Pennel T Bird lll and along with fellow bandm...
Season 1
Episode 11

Off the Charts Music Summer Listening Party #1
Art and Lisa get out of the way and let the music play!The Actuals -(who also became Solid State- Manta Rays - 2nd Floor)The LivingTony SusiTragPeter LucibelliBlind Justice
Season 1
Episode 10

"Peace Is Set to Music"
James Moss uses an ancient instrument to take us on a mystical musical journey using only his two thumbs. Contact James at jamesmossmusic@gmail.comStay tuned for his Spotify link that will soon be posted here
Season 1
Episode 9

A Different Kind of "Soul" Music...Yes Indeed!
Once upon a time in Northern Ireland during "The Troubles" a young girl put her tin whistle in her sock and began making music. If you close your eyes and listen you just might hear the angels
Season 1
Episode 8

WAKE UP! Here comes Sean Corvino Super StArt1st!
Sean Corvino's music and creative "Portfolio of Madness" is fun, intelligent, purposeful, quirky, AND may cause an EnvironMental Levelution! Listen to YaWNMoWeR B4 it's 2 L8!Want more YaWNMoWeR (YWNMWR) #YaWNMoWer
Season 1
Episode 7

Blind Justice HAPPENED but no one knew what to do about it!
Once upon a time in New Haven Connecticut a local "band" called Blind Justice blew the lid off of everything... the fans got it, the record companies acknowledged it and ran, and everyone was left saying "What Exactly is Blind Justice?"Let'...
Season 1
Episode 6

Peter Lucibelli - From Shredder to Story Teller!
Peter Lucibelli is a local Rock Renaissance Man who as a little kid discovered he could pick up almost any musical instrument "make sense out of it" and just play....really play! What happens next is a lifetime of creating a diverse blend of or...
Season 1
Episode 5

When Love and Dreams are Set to Music - The Story of "Trag"
Mark Tragainese and Nora Dalby Tragainese said "I Do" to Love and "I Will" tocreating a unique brand of original music they lovingly call "Alterna Prog 80's"Listen to more Trag music on Sound Cloud
Season 1
Episode 4

Tippin' our "Derby" to the life and music of Tony Susi!
Music teacher, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter; Tony Susi embodies the true meaning of musical hometown hero!Hear more Tony Susi music herehttps://www.reverbnation.com/tonysusihttps://open.spotify.com/artist/3UYw6D0Zdru2A7zNH7...
Season 1
Episode 3

Dawn of ..."The Living"
It's the mid 80's, its NY, it's 4 college friends who bring their cool shoes, poetry notebooks, and pillows to class ...Of course, how else do you start a band?!Listen to more Living music here
Season 1
Episode 2

Welcome to "Off the Charts Music Podcast"
Welcome to Off the Charts! The podcast that digs up original local music from yesterday so you can hear it today!Oh... and meet show co-hosts Art Gerckens and Lisa Landone (Music Archeologists) ... they're fun!
Season 1
Episode 0

Hey Lawrence...let's start a band!
What happened when childhood friends Lorenzo Morelli and Michael Mason decided to make music was as good as what happened when peanut butter and chocolate decided to become Reece's Peanut butter Cup... Fans of New Wave, Ska, Punk, Pop,...
Season 1
Episode 1